Leadership Transitions

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Dear Friends,

I want to take a minute to fill you in on a couple of leadership transitions in the parish. Over the last few years, David Andreae has worn many hats at St. Peter's. He's been a vestry member, a school board member, the school board treasurer, the vestry and school board liaison, and the church treasurer. His work for the life and health of our church and school community has been incredible, and I cannot overstate how grateful I am for all the effort he's put in, particularly regarding our finances.
David remains our church treasurer, but he has rotated out of those other roles. I want to extend to him my thanks, and the thanks of St. Peter's for his willingness to serve, and for the incredible job he always does.
One role that David had that we've needed to fill is the vestry and school board liaison. Susan Crawford has agreed to serve in that capacity for this school year. This means that Susan will attend school board meetings and help to provide the vestry with a sense of what is going on at St. Peter’s School and how we can support their work. Thank you, Susan!


For more than three years, we have benefitted so much from the good work of James Bell as our stewardship chair. James has served in that capacity through some rocky times—I'm thinking specifically about a rector transition and a flood! And he has served so faithfully and so well. He has been the public face of our fundraising each year, but he has also worked behind the scenes, calling our leadership to remember the long-term nature of the work we do. His role is one that is typically filled one year at a time, and his willingness to serve beyond that is inspiring. I am grateful for his leadership over these years!
I also want to give thanks for those who are willing to step into that role in this (very strange!) year. Our co-chairs for stewardship this year are Terri Williams and Matt and Meredith Rivers. We've already met to discuss our 2021 stewardship campaign, and I'm excited about the plans we've made so far. More on that will be announced later, but thank you, Terri, Matt, and Meredith!


A church can only work with dedicated lay leadership. This happens in all kinds of ways—in our worship, we need lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and intercessors. But, we also need lay leadership in our committees, on the vestry, and in other areas of our governance. If you are energized by what's going on at St. Peter's, perhaps God is calling you to get engaged with our leadership.
Our vestry nominating committee is currently at work, preparing for a vestry election in November. If you think you might have the gifts and calling to serve on a vestry, get in touch with me or with Bylinda Bell, our Senior Warden. We can tell you a bit about the work of the vestry and help you discern whether you might be called to be part of our election.
Your gifts are key to the life of the church. Whatever they are, I pray that you will do the work of discernment about how to use them in our life and work—and then use them with joy.
God bless,
Fr. Quinn+

Fr. Quinn Parman