Worthy to Stand
Dear Friends,
During the Easter Season we'll use Eucharistic Prayer B at our 9am and 11am services. Look at these lines from that beautiful prayer:
For in these last days you sent [Jesus] to be incarnate from the Virgin Mary, to be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. In him, you have delivered us from evil, and made us worthy to stand before you.
Worthy to stand before you.
Our Easter proclamation is first and foremost about Jesus—that he is risen! But implanted in that truth about Jesus is the truth of who we've been made through the power of the Risen One. In him we are made saints of God, holy, the body of Christ. This is not to say we don't fail at living out those identities. We do. Yet, nothing changes the reality of who we are.
So, one liturgical change you'll notice in our Easter service is that we'll forgo the confession of sin. It's not that I anticipate us completely avoiding sin during Easter, it's just that I want us to focus in on that truth of our identity during this Holy Season.
And I invite you (just this once then I'll leave it alone) to stand during the Eucharistic prayer. To stand as a child of God most high. To stand in celebration of the resurrection. To stand as we proclaim our praise.
In Christ, you've been made worthy to stand. So stand.
God bless,
Fr. Quinn+