Annual Meeting 2020
Dear Friends,
It's a full, exciting week at St. Peter's! I wanted to give you a rundown about what's going on and a contingency plan because of the current forecast.
The staff and Vestry will be meeting with Leslie Manning this weekend, a church consultant based in Highlands, North Carolina. We will be writing a refreshed mission statement for the church, honing in on our core community values, and developing some goals for the coming years. It will be an exciting time, and I cannot wait to share the results of the work with all of you.
On Sunday, we are planning to gather for our Annual Meeting, just after the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist. It is a time to celebrate the year that has been, elect new leaders, and anticipate the future into which God is calling us. As of this writing, the forecast does not look great. So, we have a contingency plan. If we must cancel our in-person worship on Sunday due to weather, we will hold our Annual Meeting, digitally, just after the 10:15 a.m. online service. We will make the final decision by Saturday evening, so be on the lookout here and on Facebook.
A note on our new leaders. I've heard a concern from a few folks about our Vestry slate. To be clear, it wasn't about the people on the slate—everyone thinks they are great! But, it has been noted that all three on the slate happen to be men. We are, of course, a church that believes God calls all people to leadership in the church, not just men. When the Vestry named this slate, it was only after discussion with numerous men and women, some of whom were thrilled to have been asked but currently unable to serve. The slate was then nominated with eyes wide open and a commitment to a balance of leadership in terms of gender moving forward. Once we elect this slate, the Vestry will still be balanced in terms of gender, and as we approach future elections we will be mindful that our goal is always to have as wide a representation as possible. I hope that this clears up any concerns anyone might have, but I invite you to be in touch with me if I can be of more help. I am thankful for our Vestry candidates' willingness to serve—they will join a fantastic group of leaders who are currently in place!
We live in strange times, but I am thankful to be walking through these days with you. St. Peter's is a great place with a bright future. Let us continue to work and pray and plan together for how we will continue to live out God's call in the days to come.
God bless,
Fr. Quinn+