All are Welcome.
With our baptismal promises, we commit our lives to the beliefs set forth in the Apostles’ Creed and the way those beliefs are lived out. We commit to worshipping together, seeking and serving Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, striving for justice and peace, and respecting the dignity of every human being.
These commitments mean that St. Peter's is a home for everyone. We welcome all those who wish to join the sacramental life and leadership of this church regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, citizenship, or marital status.
Whoever you are, and however you arrive, you are welcome here.
Adopted by the St. Peter’s Vestry August 22, 2019

Grow in Faith.
St. Peter’s enjoys active Christian Education and Youth programs, and a wide variety of lay ministries and organizations are open to parishioner involvement. On Sunday mornings and throughout the week you will have a chance to explore many opportunities for formation.
We also have two services on Sundays: a meditative Rite I service at 7:30 am and a traditional Rite II service with organ music and choir at 10:30am.

Journey Together.
At St. Peter’s we are growing in community together. We love Jesus, we worship, we enjoy life together, and we care for the world God loves and all our neighbors in it. We are rich in tradition, but not stuffy. We are deeply rooted, but open-minded. We welcome all, but we will challenge you to grow. We are a community of disciples learning to follow Jesus together.
These weekly reflections will give you a taste of some of the things that make St. Peter’s our faith home.